The association “The Little Kingdom” was born out of love for animals and the desire to improve the attitude of people towards animals and the environment.
The association was founded by Slobodan and Blanka Lazić in 2020, but the idea itself and the implementation of the mission started back in 2000.

“The Little Kingdom” is an organization that provides support for all those who care for animals, advocates for education and awareness raising of citizens in the area of animal care.
One of the best ways to create a culture of respect and responsibility towards animals, nature and people is through education and training on animal welfare.
Animal welfare education contributes to the creation of members of society who cultivate responsibility, a compassionate attitude towards animals and people, and care for the needs of others. In order to educate about the welfare of animals, we wish to carry out various activities for citizens – primarily children, such as workshops, lectures, games, actions, art and literary contests and similar….
We believe that every living being has the right to a dignified life, to live a life free of pain, suffering and stress that can be inflicted on them by man – knowingly or unknowingly.
Animal welfare is a complex issue that has its scientific, ethical, economic, cultural, social, religious and political dimensions, and it is necessary to constantly point out and remind that animals are sentient beings and that it is man’s duty and obligation to take care of them.
Basic obedience training
I occasionally work with owners and their dogs in Basic Obedience training. This group of dogs was specific for work, because all dogs experienced the trauma of rejection and life on the street, so working with them was in difficult conditions. All the dogs […]
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“It was necessary to civilize man’s relationship with man. Now it is necessary to civilize man’s relationship to nature and animals.”
Victor Hugo